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1% for the Planet

We are proud members of 1% for the Planet. This means we pledge 1% of our total sales to environmental organizations. Sustainability is an important consideration in our business and in the way we live our lives. Joining 1% for the Planet certifies our contributions and holds us accountable to take on responsibility towards environmental causes.

Being members of 1% for the Planet has also been a great opportunity to learn more about local environmental non-profits here in BC which are doing exciting work. We have only joined in 2020 but are excited to partner with a number of non-profit organizations in the future.

1% for the Planet was started in 2002 by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies. Members have given more than $265 million to approved nonprofit partners to date. Today, 1% for the Planet’s global network consists of thousands of businesses, individuals and environmental nonprofits working toward a better future for all.

Learn more about 1% for the planet at: onepercentfortheplanet.org